Quarter of a century

I made it. I am 25 years old!

Yet another milestone in my life, quarter of a century, yes i know it all goes down hill from here as years pass by fast and life just gets to you.

I really loved year 24. Like, really loved it. Please don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t always sunshine and roses. Quite honestly, these last couple of months have been harder on me than all my previous years of growing up and growing old. There were many changes in my life, moving 12 000 km away from my parents, losing family members and losing people that meant the world to me, and also finding myself. I only feared it all initially. The beauty of growing older is that my temper tantrums are shorter and my perspective greater.

So, at 25, it’s become evident that even though I have experienced a lot and learned more, I’ve only just begun. There’s no time to dwell on what could’ve been, what I don’t have, or where I may not be and where I’d like to be professionally. Call it cliché, but everything happens for a reason. The lowest lows can be the best lessons; lessons needed for later use.

I’ve been blessed with amazing people around me, who support me, and teach me so much just by them being themselves. My friends come from different backgrounds, creeds, sexual orientations, ethnicities, and everything in between. I wouldn’t have it any other way. My family has stood behind me and backed me with love and support through thick and thin. I lucked out.

As I’ve grown and matured into the lady I am today, there are personality traits I’ve been able to adapt to, strengthen, and chuck if need be. But the one that has stayed strong throughout my life is my passionate curiosity and the voracious thirst to know more about anything and everything. I hope in my coming years, no matter what happens to me, good or bad, I never lose this. Another strength that has molded me to be the lady I am today is the willingness to take on any challenge, travel the world and become better than I was yesterday.

My advice to all would be to do what you can with what you have and keep your vision fixated on your goals. Go out and meet those goals whether you are turning 21, 25 or even 50 years old, this life you live is yours, live it and face every opportunity with strength and wisdom.


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Published by Cleo's Journal

I love writing and being out doors, so be prepared to read about various topics. My Passion is writing and I am also a Journalism Graduate, who would love to travel the world and explore and get to know different nationalities and cultures.

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