First Impressions

“First Impressions last”

The first encounter, seems to be the one that “hits the spot”, thats when we all seem to conclude what somebody is like or judge them.

I’m a firm believer that this is bullshit. I don’t believe in it at all!

What if you meet me at my lowest? You want me to pretend I am okay in order for me to show you who I really am? It is impossible. Many people go through different situations in life and there are days when we feel that we can’t get out of whatever it is getting us down. And I can’t say on this day I will not meet anyone, I will not have encounters with people, because it happens, whether planned or fate. You meet people all the time.  Just don’t judge me on our first encounter.

Personally, i tend to be the softy when we first meet, I don’t talk much, but once you get to know me, well it’s a different story- But, the getting to know me could be the tricky part- I only spread my wings about 4 months in. So, don’t expect me to make impressions on day one, I will not.

I can be goody, messy, crazy and very down to earth but if you judge me after meeting me one time, and one time only. I will not have another encounter with you.

So, with all that said, take the time to get to know people before concluding who and what they are after one encounter.


Thats it for now folks,

Sleep well 🙂



Published by Cleo's Journal

I love writing and being out doors, so be prepared to read about various topics. My Passion is writing and I am also a Journalism Graduate, who would love to travel the world and explore and get to know different nationalities and cultures.

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